
On the front end, there's not a lot to this course. Connectwise Control is a solid plugin, and there's not a lot that you can adjust with it, so this won't be a deep dive. But since getting ConnectWise Automate usually means that you get ConnectWise Control along with it, it's important for us to look at that plugin, how it functions, how it integrates with Automate, how to make sure it's configured properly, and how to ensure that you're deploying ConnectWise Control.

It's a pretty seamless plugin, so this course doesn't have to be at the tip top of what you want to learn, but it's valuable information, and it's good to have. It's not going to take a lot of time to cover what we need to cover.

In the future, I may do a separate course that really dives into ConnectWise Control as its own thing because there is a lot of stuff there. But in this one, we're going to talk about how the two play with each other, how to make sure that everything's configured properly in Automate, and how to make sure that the plugin is up to date, stays up to date, as well as the server.

When you have time, feel free to jump into this. It's definitely good info and we'll see you on the inside.

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