
What’s “A Guide for Technicians” all about?

Some of the more advanced functionality Automate is capable of might not be as important to some of you as how you can use Automate as a tool to better do your job to support machines remotely.

This collection of lectures is about just that: how to get information about agents, how to leverage scripts, run commands remotely, get a list of software, edit the registry, do command prompt stuff, remotely control it, and more.

There are quite a few things that can be done, and that you will likely do repetitively as a technician. In this course, we zero in on that because beyond getting started and some of the fundamentals, if you're a technician, then what you need is to jump into the technician stuff.

Here we’re taking you and getting you ready to leverage Automate to more effectively do your job on a day to day basis. So if that sounds like something that might be helpful to you, go ahead and jump right in. There's a lot of good stuff in here.

We’ll see you on the inside. Happy automating.

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